Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spanking Art wiki relaunched!

While Anime OTK is still down, we managed to bring a relaunch of the Spanking Art wiki online under a new URL:!

The relaunch is based on a database backup from February 2012 and so it is painfully missing all the work we did in the wiki in March and April 2012. But it's the best we can do for now, while we still don't know if or when Anime OTK will come up again.

The server is running slowly, and you will have to sign up again because we have no backup of the user database.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Patience... what we all need now. The wiki has been down for more than two weeks and we still have no definite information when Anime OTK will come back up.

In any case you can be assured that I will get the Spanking Art wiki back online one way or another before too long.
